The inspiration for this doll was taken from Idaten, a deity known for their swift running.
It was said that when he came across a person stricken with illness, he would run into the sky to save them. There are stories of him flying in all directions fending off evil spirits of sickness with his katana [sword]. The sight of him sprinting across the sky is said to be incredibly valiant and his name has now become used to refer to people who are quick at running.
This piece depicts him in the middle of a dead sprint. His hair is being blown back by the wind and his clothes ripple, giving a real sense of seeing him perform some courageous deed. The artist decided to create a doll in the image of Idaten after seeing pictures of him running through the sky in a book and being awed by his courageousness. The katana he holds is an antique.
This is actually the second Idaten that the artist, Sumiko Hoshi, has made.
After receiving a cut of Keyaki [Zelkova] wood as a present, she was amazed at how the pattern of the wood grain resembled a cloud. This led her to start thinking about what kind of doll would be suitable for this. The conclusion was, who other than Idaten himself. He who runs so gracefully through the clouds. So she took the opportunity to create her second Idaten doll. A doll born from its base.
This is a doll that ensures the health of a family and can be displayed all year round.
Sumiko Hoshi
Production year
Era of Kodai-gire
Edo period
Usage of Kodai-gire
Keyaki (Japanese zelkova, no coating
Size (Doll)
d 16cm w 20cm h 17cm
Size (Base)
d 23cm w 23cm h 2cm
Size (Box)
d 26.5cm w 26cm h 25cm